Monday, February 13, 2012

Steve Jobs

Things that people dont really bother to know about Steve Jobs.


Jobs started Apple with a high school friend in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, was forced out a decade later and returned in 1997 to rescue the company. During his second stint, it grew into the most valuable technology company in the world.

Jobs enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Ore., in 1972 but dropped out after six months. "All of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it," he said at a Stanford University commencement address in 2005. "I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out."Yes, he was a drop out. Yet my mom says "open up your eyes son, theres no way you can survive in this world if you drop out of college.." but Jobs did. He proved my mom wrong.

As we all know, The Mac Os is just an improvement from Microsoft Windows Os. The idea of operating the computer is still the same but the presentation and features is according to Jobs creativity.
"We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas," Jobs said in an interview for the 1996 PBS series "Triumph of the Nerds."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Male Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is now known to be use all around the world for cosmetic usage. Male plastic surgery is not something new to the world but it maybe new to us (Malaysians). As a Malaysian, it is a bit hard for us to adapt to this situation whereby we live in a different environment and society. Our actions are more likely to be influenced by our religion, thus reflecting male plastic surgery in the world of cosmetic as a taboo.

Even though this matter usually refers to a taboo in our community, people tend to show an open mind towards the issue in order to blend in with the rest of the world. People would likely to give their opinions based on human rights and the need of plastic surgery for men in terms of self satisfaction and so on.

From my point of view, I don't think that plastic surgery is needed for the male species in cause for cosmetic intentions. If it is needed to cover a big scar than it would be okay. Nevertheless, I am not trying to denying the human rights to be free to make any decisions that they like.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"Eureka"  is an interjection used to celebrate a discoveryThis exclamation is most famously attributed to the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes. What I have learned from the "Eureka moment" session in class is that when your perception towards something is changed after a brief explanation or from an incident, it is considered as a "Eureka moment". I believe that all of us have experience this Eureka moment throughout our lives. An example of a eureka moment is, when you really thought that Myanmar people are called Myanmarians or Myanmarese, then you discovered later that they were actually called Burmese. That is an example of a eureka moment.

In class, our lecturer had us to come with a eureka moment story of ourselves. The story can be from experience or just a creative made up story. Everybody shared their story and a lot of them were very funny. So I shared my story also. It was from my personal experience.

"When I was in standard 6, me and my friends, we like to play a game at school where we pull down people's pants down. We usually did it to our close friends and laugh about it. One day, I decided to pull down this nerdy kid's pants down. He wasn't a member of our play group but I insist of doing so because I think that it would be funny. When I pulled down his pants, that's where  my eureka moment struck me. I discovered that in life, not everyone wheres underwear to school."

So that is my version of eureka moment. Though everybody called me a sick pervert for plying such games, I didn't really care because my objective was to share my eureka moment. It was a really bad image by the way. :D