Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"Eureka"  is an interjection used to celebrate a discoveryThis exclamation is most famously attributed to the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes. What I have learned from the "Eureka moment" session in class is that when your perception towards something is changed after a brief explanation or from an incident, it is considered as a "Eureka moment". I believe that all of us have experience this Eureka moment throughout our lives. An example of a eureka moment is, when you really thought that Myanmar people are called Myanmarians or Myanmarese, then you discovered later that they were actually called Burmese. That is an example of a eureka moment.

In class, our lecturer had us to come with a eureka moment story of ourselves. The story can be from experience or just a creative made up story. Everybody shared their story and a lot of them were very funny. So I shared my story also. It was from my personal experience.

"When I was in standard 6, me and my friends, we like to play a game at school where we pull down people's pants down. We usually did it to our close friends and laugh about it. One day, I decided to pull down this nerdy kid's pants down. He wasn't a member of our play group but I insist of doing so because I think that it would be funny. When I pulled down his pants, that's where  my eureka moment struck me. I discovered that in life, not everyone wheres underwear to school."

So that is my version of eureka moment. Though everybody called me a sick pervert for plying such games, I didn't really care because my objective was to share my eureka moment. It was a really bad image by the way. :D

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